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Eye fatigue, also known as eyestrain or medically as Asthenopia, happens when your eyes hurt, feel tired, or irritated after extended, intense use. It is not regarded as a condition in itself but is a typical symptom associated with overworking your eyes beyond their capacity. The common causes of eye fatigue include: Staring at the […]


Did you make a list of New Year’s resolutions, but once again failed to move forward? Do you write new exercise and fitness plans, time and time again, and you promise yourself that this time you are really going to do it…but you don’t? Well don’t be depressed or “beat up on yourself”, the key […]


Macular degeneration can be a very worrying prospect and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Over time it can get worse and leave lasting damage to the eyes. While it can be difficult to spot the early signs of age-related macular degeneration, it’s of utmost importance that you are wary and prepared. This article will explain […]


Collagen Protein supplements have been one of the most discussed and heavily researched nutrients during the past several years. However, Collagen is not new, it has existed in our bodies since day one, and is a required nutrient for health and wellness. Our skin is comprised of seventy-five percent Collagen, and makes up thirty-five percent […]


Over the years I have observed and researched various levels of lifestyles as it pertains to diet, nutrition, stress, exercise, wellness and illness. Dr. Michael P. Lange and I, Dr. Richard Hall, are constantly researching longevity and life extension protocols and the word “lifestyle” is always found in our research. Years ago I noticed a […]


There are few more important things to people than their eyes. Sight is a foundational part of our day to day life and so it’s only natural to want to protect your eyes. One way to support the promotion of healthy eyes is nutrition, the foods we put in our bodies can have a huge […]


Dry eyes can be a condition that’s either temporary or long term, but regardless of how long you have to deal with it; it’s uncomfortable. You’ll want to talk to your doctor as soon as possible so that you can start treating your eyes and hopefully get back to living your life quickly. This article […]


Everyone is so busy and cannot take the time to read a lengthy and in depth article, so I thought I would gather some quick nutrition, wellness and fitness tips for you. Remember to take time for yourself because when you have energy and focus, you can help yourself and others too. Be careful of […]


When I first joined Fortifeye Performance Nutrition, Dr. Michael Lange tasked me with assisting him in bringing a new product idea he had to market. The idea was so unique, and had never been attempted before, and this I know from my 35 years in the nutrition field. I had been very concerned for several […]


We all have been instructed to stretch before exercise or athletic performance, and we followed those instructions, however, it may be time for an update. Dr. Michael Lange and I, Dr. Richard Hall, have visited dozens of gyms during our travels, and as research scientists, we both have observed hundreds of men and women working […]


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