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When I first joined Fortifeye Performance Nutrition, Dr. Michael Lange tasked me with assisting him in bringing a new product idea he had to market. The idea was so unique, and had never been attempted before, and this I know from my 35 years in the nutrition field. I had been very concerned for several […]


We all have been instructed to stretch before exercise or athletic performance, and we followed those instructions, however, it may be time for an update. Dr. Michael Lange and I, Dr. Richard Hall, have visited dozens of gyms during our travels, and as research scientists, we both have observed hundreds of men and women working […]


Dr. Michael Lange and Dr. Richard Hall have traveled thousands of miles this past year to conferences and symposiums and along the way visited gyms and fitness centers across the country. Both are researchers and scientists and have developed observational skills they use daily, and have applied them to this research study. The two doctors […]


Whether you are pumping iron in the gym or exercising out in the hot sun it is crucial to have the appropriate post recovery drink immediately after exercising. Dr. Michael Lange says that most athletes are not replenishing the valuable nutrients necessary after any type of exercise or athletic event to allow maximum full recovery. […]


I have helped 1000s of people directly and indirectly improve their overall quality of life through weight loss. On a daily and weekly basis I discuss weight management to patients and to people globally through social media and my talk shows. One of the key factors in living a healthy, long, productive and happy life […]


Dr Michael Lange has a large population of geriatric patients he sees at the Lange Eye Institute. He states “THE EYE IS THE WINDOW TO THE BODY”. During an eye exam Dr Lange looks for 3 clinical signs that may increase the risk of a patient having Alzheimers as they get older. Cortical Cataracts, Drusen […]


Dr Michael Lange and Doc Hall are advocates of a combination of proper diet, the correct supplements, exercise, proper hydration, regular sunshine and plenty of sleep to help improve the health and well being of everyone. Without a good nights sleep your health can be jeopardized and u will age more rapidly. Dr Michael Lange […]


“When should I begin my diet?” Dr. Michael Lange and I hear this question on a weekly basis, and the answer is always the same…TODAY! Many say they will begin after the New Year, an upcoming birthday, or after a vacation, but why wait…you could be well on your way by the time that date […]


Dr. Michael Lange has seen what the power of proper nutrition can do for his patients, family, friends and followers on social media and his talk show “ask the dr”. Ever since 1992 he has been recommending a higher consumption of organically grown fruits and vegetables to everyone. He has been changing people’s lives through […]


Dr Michael Lange has been involved in eye care since 1986 and has seen an amazing transformation in the evolution of progressive lens technology. The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages Florida has a large optical with variety of frames and progressive lens designs. The Institute also has a state of the art optical lab […]


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