I highly recommend them

Written by on February 6, 2017

I’ve taken the One-A-Day type of vitamin since I was a kid. I’m now 52. Sometime in my 40’s I began to have trouble seeing the numbers and letters on the phone buttons. That need for “reading glasses” is inevitable, as I learned from Dr. Lange. Still, my distance vision was always perfect. Then, about two years ago, I was in a car accident and shortly thereafter I noticed that highway billboards and other distant things were looking a little blurry. I chalked it up to the aging thing. When Dr. Lange first developed the Fortifeye vitamins I began taking them mostly because I knew Dr. Lange had put a lot into them and I had heard a lot about the inefficiency of the one-a-day types. About a month after taking the Fortifeye vitamins I noticed one day that I could read a movie marquee clearly. I looked around for other distant things to read, like license plates, restaurant signs, etc. and the blurriness had cleared up. I truly believe the blurriness was caused by my car accident and then corrected by the proper nutrients that Dr. Lange incorporated into the Fortifeye vitamins. I highly recommend them.

– Larry

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