Astaxanthin Amazing Health Benefits discussed by Dr. Michael Lange and Dr Karen Hech
Written by Dr Michael Lange on July 2, 2018
Dr Michael Lange (Lange Eye Institute and Fortifeye Vitamins and Dr Karen Hecht of Asta Real discuss the amazing health benefits of a super carotenoid called astaxanthin. Dr Lange discusses clinically the positive results he has seen with his patients when using a supplement called Fortifeye Focus. Fortifeye Focus is the only supplement in the industry that has triple carotenoids in an olive oil delivery system encased in a fish gel capsule. Fortifeye Focus combines lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin in one gel cap. Dr Karen Hecht discusses the science and clinical studies behind astaxanthin. Astareal Astaxanthin has more clinical studies standing behind this nutrient that any other astaxanthin brand . Astaxanthin has some amazing ocular benefits but some exciting science is proving it is also great for muscle endurance and muscle recovery. Astaxanthin may be the next big supplement for athletes to help with their performance and rigorous training. They both discuss how the combination of lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin work in synergy together.
Dr Michael Lange

They start the show off by discussing the expansion of the Lange Eye Institute in the Villages Florida and how they are adding 12 exam and treatment rooms to a new wing. Some of the treatment rooms will be set up specifically for new generation dry eye treatments and facial aesthetics using Lumenis Opti Light and Lumenis Opti Lift. The Lange Eye Institute will be one if the first eye care centers in the country to have the all new Lumenis Opti Lift technology. This device uses new generation technology to help tighten and rejuvenate the skin and muscles surrounding the eye. This Opti Lift will improve dry eye symptomology by close to 300% while giving the ocular region and face a rejuvenated appearance. This treatment usually takes about 15 minutes and is painless and noninvasive. Opti Light is the only FDA approved IPL for dry eye treatment and will be used to treat meibomian gland dysfunction by reducing the inflammatory component causing the problem. IPL light therapy is also amazing at enhancing the appearance of the skin on the face and periorbital areas. The combination of both Opti lift and Opti light will give additional cosmetic and dry eye benefits.
Both doctors talk about the Incredible edible egg and the powers of consuming more eggs. Studies indicate that consuming 1-4 eggs a week will help reduce dementia and macular degeneration. Dr Lange and Dr Summerton discuss the powers of the egg in much more detail and discuss how the choline, lutein and zeaxanthin in the eggs helps with retinal and brain health. Both doctors say eggs are good for anyone at any age.
Dr Lage and Dr Summerton discuss a very important nutrient called creatine and how a deficiency in this at a young age can lead to poor IQ and stunted growth. Dr Lange mentions the importance of feeding high quality red meat to your children in the developmental stages to get this creatine. Supplementing with Creapure creatine at a young age and at a very old age will help with muscle and strength while also promoting a healthy brain and cognitive abilities. Dr Lange also discusses the power of MyHMB at promoting strength and muscle synthesis at any age. Fortifeye Vitamins developed Fortifeye Fit Pro that has all the Creapure Creatine and MyHMB along with grass fed whey isolate, Peak Atp, vitamin d, Betain Anhydrous and grass-fed collagen protein. Fit Pro has everything needed for young and old to help build a strong healthy body that can thrive and not just survive.
The doctors addressed a question regarding plasticizers and food contamination and went into some detail the steps to take to safeguard your health. Dr Lange says its important to wash all produce even organic produce.
The show had lots of live calls that directed the topic of conversation. #eggs #egghealth #creatine #creatinesupplement #weightloss #agingprevention #healthylifestyle #antiaging #antiagingsecrets #Drmichaellange #askthedr #talkshow #talkshows #talkshowhost #medicaltalkshow #drtalks #sarcopenia #dementia #alzheimers #alzheimer #buildmuscle #reducingdementia #plasticizers #contaminants

Both doctors discuss the mechanism of dry eye and what you can do to treat dry eye. Dr Lange goes over a four-step procedure to help eliminate dry eye symptoms naturally. They briefly discuss a drop they are developing that will help to break down the biofilm on the lids while lubricating the eyes.
Dr Lange discusses nutrition to help reduce dry eye symptoms. He also discusses some nutritional hacks to help reduce kidney stones and atrial fibrillation. Both doctors also discuss natural approaches to help reduce chances of getting urinary tract infections.
Dr Lange discusses how to lose weight naturally and also talks about a new supplement he has developed called Fortifeye Fit Meal. Fortifeye Fit Meal should be available by the summer of 2025. They both have a discussion about a new form of healthy water called watt ahh water.
Dr Lange reviews the health benefits of Fortifeye Fit Pro as a pre workout and post workout fuel.
This program is always for educational purposes only.
learn more about the nutritional supplements discussed on this program at
#lumenisoptilight #lumenisoptilift #weightlossdiet #agingprevention #aginggracefully #healthylifestyle #dryeyerelief #dryeyetreatment #iplfordryeye

Both doctors discuss the phase 2 Capfish study that proves omega 3 supplements, more fish and less omega 6 can decrease progression of prostate cancer and decrease death rate from prostate cancer. They discuss how it is so important to consume a good rTG or TG form omega 3 fish oil and eat good quality fish too for overall health.
They also discuss how it is a good idea to eat some carbohydrates right after training to enhance post recovery dramatically, studies indicate that if you hold off for a few hrs before consuming carbs after working out you will recover much slower and performance will be decreased the next day. Even people that are fasting or on a carnivore or ketogenic diet will benefit consuming good quality carbs after working out immediately.
They discuss a new technology called OptiView Solix OCT-A by Visionix that is being installed in the new wing of Lange Eye Institute to aid in earlier detection of diabetic eye changes and macular degeneration. This is the most advanced technology to look at sub retinal vasculature non-invasively enabling doctors to detect disease much earlier.
Dr Lange and Dr Summerton go over a trick to lose weight by consuming Fortifeye Super Protein or Vegan Super Protein combined with allulose, cinnamon and ground flax and drink 1 hr before supper. Allulose is a rare sugar that has some amazing health benefits.
Dr Lange discusses some natural ways to help arthritis with a caller. He goes over what to eat, what not to eat, which diet to be on, what supplements he recommends and much more. He also stresses the importance of proper intake of the correct foods for lowering inflammation and losing weight.
Dr Summerton discusses the importance of balance in your diet and how important carbohydrates are after exercise. Dr Lange recommends Fortifeye Fit Pro for pre and post workout supplementation, and right after working out add some carbs to the fit pro.
At end of show Dr Lange mentions a new study proving that some mild to moderate exercise daily will decrease dementia dramatically. #weightloss #agingprevention #podcast #aginggracefully #glp1forweightloss #healthylifestyle #optilight #optilift #lumenis #Lumenisoptilight #lumenisoptilift #dryeyetreatment #dryeyerelief #dryeyesyndrome #dryeyes #carnivorediet #carnivore #carnivorelifestyle #langesurvivaldiet #FortifeyeFitPro #allulose #drmichaellange #fortifeyefitpro #fortifeyevitamins #optometry #optometrist

Healthy aging today. Build muscle & strength, improve skin & hair, lose fat and lower inflammation.
#healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyfood #podcast #askthedoctor #aginggracefully #weightlossdiet #agingprevention #agingprevention #weightloss #glp1medication #buildmuscle #buildmuscleburnfat #glp1journey #glp1forweightloss #glp1community #glp1forweightloss #healthyweightloss

The doctors discuss how weight management is the number one thing to do to promote a healthy good-looking body. Dr Poser states it is important to stop smoking and lose weight before cosmetic surgical procedures. Dr Lange goes over a detailed way to lose weight safely and quickly.
The doctors go over a new generation approach or antimicrobial treatment for breaking down the biofilm in blepharitis to help treat meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye syndrome. They also discuss new technology to help with the potential allergic reactions that occur form preserved eye drops. A new generation type of antimicrobial that can be in the monomer of the plastic bottles, a coating on the bottle or an insert in the solution that kills any potential pathogens without releasing any preservative into the solution.
They say do to recent science people may want to rethink their carnivore diet, ketogenic diet, low carb diet, Atkins diet and any type of fasting at all. Studies now indicates these lifestyles may make you lose hair, prematurely age organs and decrease muscle size and strength
they take a few calls during the show and have an upbeat education one hr of "ask the dr".